Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

What are some good at-home lower body exercises?

Buy Lower body exercises in our shop.

Question by sunstarz: What are some good at-home lower body exercises? I'm looking to tone up at home, and I don't really have much exercise equipment. I have some free weights and ankle weights, as well as an exercise ball. I'm also doing some jogging and other cardio. Do you know of any lower-body exercises for legs that I can do without gym equipment? Best answer:

Answer by Kare
check out my website maybe i can create a plan for you www.tofitness.ca you have to sign up and my boyfriend and i create workouts based on what you have available to you and what your goals are. maybe this will help you. thanks

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Source: http://buyallonline.com/

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